Book a Court Information

Members: Select a court and a time when you would like to play.  If you bring a guest the charge is £5 per person. Just add their name(s) and pay on-line as part of the booking process.  If you need more instruction on how to add guests and members download our How to Book Members and Guests Guide.

Please keep a note of the Key Code to the courtside gates that is given to you in the automatic Booking Confirmation.  It will change periodically so you need always to check the up to date code.




  • Play is allowed ONLY on pre-booked courts. There is no ‘turn up and play’ available. Bookings MUST be made via the ClubSpark booking system on
  • Ensure you read and action all the instructions listed on your Booking Confirmation Notice, including reference to the court key code and its operation and arrival time for play.  
  • To ensure you can get entry to the courts it is advisable to take with you to the grounds the information contained in the Booking Confirmation Notice regarding the current lock code and its operation as the lock code will change from time to time.
  • All players must have appropriate footwear – either tennis shoes or trainers with light coloured soles, with good grip, to avoid damage to the court surface and for your own safety.
  • Players ideally should arrive ready changed to play. The Club House is  open for emergencies, use of the toilet facilities and to collect ‘Pay and Play’ rackets.