Club News


Men’s Team Match Update

The men's team of Jason, Robbie, Colin and Andy took on a Cringleford team who were freshly relegated from Division 3 last year.

We knew it was going to be a tough match, but after nervy starts, both pairs settled into the rythm of the game. Jason and Robbie took the number one pair to a tight 8-8 draw. Colin and Andy initially went 3-0 down, but managed to recover to forge ahead to 7-5, before eventually drawing 8-8, mirroring the first strings result.

The second half of the match saw some great tennis with Jason and Robbie taking control of their match winning 12-4. The other match still had 4 games to play by this time and the Blofield pairing were 2-10 down. A strong finish saw Colin and Andy win two final games to draw the overal match on the night.

The next Men's match is on Tuesday, home to David Lloyd.