Club News


Quiz Night 2023

Saturday evening saw over 60 members and friends enjoy a varied quiz and a tasty chilli and jacket potatoes supper.

Quizmaster Martin Warren (aka Club Chairman) kept the balance of questions fair, reflected in some very close scores in many of the  rounds. After seven rounds of questions, the eventual winners were: Sandra's Made It! who won a selection of beers and for captian Sandra Atkins, a bottle of Gin.

A huge 'THANK YOU' to everyone who helped raise £700 on the night, by coming to the quiz, generously donating prizes and participating in the raffle and the 'Heads and Tails' challenge during the interval. Congratulations to all winners of the raffle prizes and to Philip Waller for winning the Heads and Tails and selecting a quality bottle of whisky as his choice of prize.

A special thank you to the organisers of this fundraiser - Belinda Hemsley for her time in sourcing the food and organising the cooking team of Diana, Ros Dawn and Colin. Also to Karen for managing the door and Diana (again) for running the raffle on the night. Lets not forget Martin for his time in making up the questions and answers and to Eva and Immy who helped him with the scoring.

If you have any ideas or want to run fundraisers/get involved in the 100 Club or help out at future events, check out the website and let one of the committee know.