We have two newly refurbished Squash Courts for members to book. Use ‘Booking’ to book courts through your browser or download the ‘Clubspark Booker’ app. Please use your LTA Login for court booking.
We charge £3 per hour for squash court lighting and heating (throughout the year). Squash Court 1 is prepayable at booking on Clubspark with full refund if cancelled within an hour of booking slot. Squash Court 2 is operated via a £1 coin box. Operating instructions for additional heating during colder weather are located in the clubhouse and from squash convenor. The lighting and heating are free on Thursday Social evenings.
Adult Squash
Social - Social squash sessions are on Thursday evenings 7-10pm - a great way to meet and play against other members. Court lights and heating are free of charge at this time. Table tennis is also available. Come along for a drink in the bar too. We also organise mini-leagues to help members get playing with others of a similar standard.
Competitive – we hold club championships each year with Finals Day usually held at the start of April. Our Men’s and Women’s teams also take part in the West of Scotland Squash Leagues from October - March. Find out more about the teams, including draws, match results and standings via the following link: West of Scotland Squash Leagues.
Coaching – Club coach, Paul King, offers coaching to members free of charge.
Junior Squash
The club encourages Junior members to play squash. Club coach, Paul King, offers free coaching to all junior members with coaching sessions currently held on Thursdays and Sundays.
Membership – currently we are offering a special introductory squash-only membership, giving the opportunity to play squash and get involved with squash teams as well as the social side of the club. This offer is great value and is only open to new members joining the club for the first time. Any subsequent year's membership will cost the usual full membership rate. See Membership to find out more and join online.
Club Merchandise is available and details can be found here.
Please Contact us if you need any further information about playing squash at the club.