Ball machine user instructions

Buckden Tennis Club provides the use of a Slinger ball machine for use by its adult members. Any member under 16 must be superivsed by an adult. 

Before using the machine for the first time, please read through the user manual (click on link below) to familiarise yourself with the Slinger.'s/Slinger-Manual_English_September2021.pdf

There are also a number of YouTube videos available to give you ideas on drills to set up. ONLY the 'DUNLOP TRAINING BALLS' provided must be used in the Slinger. They are pressureless and have a lower felt content. The machine operates at an optimum of 72 balls so DO NOT add any further balls to those already provided.

If you experience any issues while using the machine, please return the machine to the clubhouse and contact the club at to report the issue. After use, please return the slinger to the clubhouse and connect to the charger which is operated on a timer switch.