Competitive Tennis


Cerney Lakes TC had a successful summer season with particularly good results in the Gloucestershire Double Leagues

We have 2 teams that have won their Division, Women's Bs are champions of Div 3 and Women's A finished top of Division 4.

The Women's A having gained promotion to the Premier League will be returning to Divison 1.

The Mens A team have gained promotion to Div 3 and the Men's B finished mid table in Div 6.

Overall, it was a successful summer season with some highly and enjoyable competitive tennis 

WINTER  2024-5

The Gloucestershire Winter Mixed Floodlit competition runs from Oct- Feb.

We have 2 teams entered in Div 2 and 4

The Over 60 s League tennis runs from Oct- March and we have 2 Women's teams playing in Div 1 and 2.

We also have both  a Men's and a Mxd team both playing in Div 1

The club also plays in a 'friendly' Sunday League with teams in Div 1 and Div 3

We owe great thanks to all our competitive players who continue to represent our club with such enthusiasm and loyalty.

If you are interested in competitive tennis please contact Wendy our club Captain