Contact us

We can be contacted via email:, we aim to respond as quickly as possible and at the latest within 10 days.

In emergencies (not applicable to the formal emergency services) please contact us on 01628 683800 during office hours, if outside normal office hours please call us on 01753 853517

To raise safeguarding concerns please visit the safeguarding page.

Enquiry Form

Where to find us

Please note the courts are located net to Larchfield Community Centre.

Parking is available in the car park next to Larchfield Community Centre, which is accessed from Desborough Crescent.

It's also situated just off cycle network 4 which provides good active transport opportunities - more details here.

The nearset bus stops are listed below,  bus routes can be found here.

- Curls Road

- Fane Way

- Wootton Way

Desborough Park
Desborough Crescent MAIDENHEAD Berkshire SL6 4BB


Desborough Park

Desborough Crescent

Get directions