Court Booking
To book a court, please check whether there is availability for the date and time you want. Bookings may only be made 14 days in advance
If you are not registered on Clubspark/BTM to book, please follow the instructions to register
You will of course need to be a paid-up Digswell Club member to book and gain access to the courts
Make your booking - max 1.5 hours for bookings, try not to leave odd half hour slots unbooked
TABLE TENNIS: please leave an hour between bookings and try to avoid booking at the same time as organised tennis sessions. This will help reduce the numbers in the clubhouse at any given time - Thank you
PLEASE ensure that players names are added to your booking and guest fee(s) paid - see below
A confirmation email will be sent to you
Please turn up within 15 minutes of your booking
If you no longer need your court please cancel
Note: Club sessions, matches and organised club events take priority
Guest: For full details see Membership Tab - £5 fee per guest/session - payment details: Sort Code: 602307, Account: 39200000, Name: Digswell Social Tennis Club Note: Where possible please use a BACS reference of GSTSurnamePostcode (e.g GSTSmithSG25RD) so that we can identify payments