
League Matches

Tennis Leagues & Teams

We currently have 6 teams in the Datchworth Summer League, one in the Datchworth Autumn League and one in the East Hertfordshire Winter League.

The Datchworth Summer League on Monday matches are on evenings. The format is two sets of mixed doubles and then a men’s doubles.

The Datchworth Autumn League matches are on Saturday afternoons. The format is two sets of mixed doubles and then a men’s and a ladies doubles.

Please visit for information about the Datchworth League. If you sign up to play in the teams then there are team training sessions.

The East Hetrts. Winter League matches are usually played on a Saturday or Sunday. The format is 2 mixed pairs who play 2 maches, best of 3 sets.


Table Tennis Leagues & Team

We currently have 5 in the Shaw Table Tennis League - For details visit