Welcome to Dunbar

2025 - 2026 Membership Renewals

Welcome new members!  We hope you enjoy playing at Dunbar.  For more information on what's happening please email dunbartenniscentre@gmail.com

Membership renewals for 2025/26 are now open.  Please pay by mid-April.  Thank you!



Dunbar Tennis Centre

Where are we?

Dunbar Community Tennis Centre is at Winterfield Park, Dunbar, a five-minute walk west of the High Street and swimming pool.

Directions to club

To play tennis everyone members and the general public MUST BOOK A COURT   prior to play, this is easy to do via this webite see the Book a Court button at the top.  

About our club

We have six all-weather hard courts, suitable for play all year round. Three courts are for public use and are available for play at any time.

Hire of the public courts (by the hour) is £10.00.
Please register with clubspark and you can book/pay for your court - see Book a Court button above.
Please ensure you are wearing the correct footwear i.e. court shoes - incorrect footwear damages the court surface.

Membership - Join now!

Membership runs for 12 months from the start of the season.

The 2024/25 season starts on April 1st, 2024.

How to find us

Winterfield Place
Scotland East
EH42 1AS

Get directions

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