
Open day success

The club Open Day proved to be an outstanding success with good support from both junior and adult members as well as potential new members.

Blessed with warm, sunny weather, the juniors were the first to take to the courts with coaching from Club Coach Greg Watson, ably assisted by a couple of older juniors and former club member, Amelia Devlin, who has just returned to British shores having completed her first year of a tennis scholarship at an American University. As the morning progressed, adults took part in some mixed doubles.

Current membership stands at around 200 and four new memberships were taken out on the day, which included a mixture of categories such as family, couple, junior and parent playing with junior.

Our friendly and welcoming club, which has something for everyone, continues to thrive with a fairly even split between adults and juniors. Court One was repainted at the beginning of the month, and courts two and three are being repainted during week of 20th May, which will provide another five years of play before resurfacing will need to take place.