Membership 2024-2025

Our membership year runs from 1 April to 31 March each year. Payment is due at the start of each membership year. 

We offer a range of membership packages to suit most people. New members qualify for a free coaching sessions with Head Coach Ben Hardwick. Ben also runs a series of fun, active Adult Cardio and Drills sessions along with courses for children, holiday clubs and a new offering , Walking Tennis,  for those tennis players who still hit a good ball but may not be as agile as they once were or those recovering from injury. 

Our Winter Membership packages are available from 1st October and run to the end of our membership year.

If you are a renewing member you will need to log on using your LTA user login and password. For password resets please contact the LTA direct.

Please read the  Rules of Membership

Please also be aware of our Safeguarding Policy & Statements



Adult 2025/2026

01/04/2025- 31/03/2026

Single Adult Membership

Eligibility: All adults over the age of 18

Choose payment option

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Adult Couple 2025/2026

01/04/2025- 31/03/2026

Membership available to adult couples offering full use of courts 8am-10pm every day.

Eligibility: Couples must be adults aged 18+ husband / wife / partner.

Up to 2 members

Choose payment option

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Children under 18 years of age 2025/2026

01/04/2025- 31/03/2026

Access to courts 8am-10pm. Does not include the adult social evenings.

Eligibility: Children 18 and under.

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Family 2025/2026

01/04/2025- 31/03/2026

Full membership for families allowing access to courts from 8am-10pm daily subject to court booking.

Eligibility: 2 adults and their children under the age of 18.

Choose payment option

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Family off peak 2025/2026

01/04/2025- 31/03/2026

Use of the courts from Monday-Friday from 8am-6pm and from 8am to 10pm at the weekend subject to court booking.

Eligibility: 2 adult and their children under the age of 18.

Choose payment option

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Students 25 and under 2025/2026

01/04/2025- 31/03/2026

Use of courts 8am-10pm daily.

Eligibility: Students undertaking a fulltime course of study.

Choose payment option

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Walking tennis/Social off court activities 2025/26

31/03/2025- 31/03/2026

Players who don't feel like they can be as agile as they once were but still hit a good quality ball and can take part in a supervised course of Walking Tennis or those who want off court social membership. No court access outside supervised session

Eligibility: Adults 18+

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