Weekly Social Mix-In

Our weekly Social Mix-Ins on Wednesdays between 6 - 8pm & Saturdays between 2 - 5pm are open to adult (joint, single, student, trial) and junior (senior status) members. No need for members to book in advance - just turn up to play!

If you are a new member going to a Mix-In for the first time let our Membership Secretary know and they'll try and arrange to  meet you at the club to introduce you to the other members there and explain how Mix-In works.

Social Mix-In and how it works (pdf) 

NOTE: If you would like to play in the Mix-Ins please contact our Membership Secretary who will create a "Name Peg" for you. “Guest Pegs” are available for Trial members and guests to use.

During the summer months members also enjoy delicious home-made cakes after a Saturday afternoon of tennis. We charge just £2 for tea and cake (including refills).


On the last Wednesday of the month (except December) the Social Mix-In is followed by our Club Supper Night where volunteer chefs provide a delicious 2-course meal for just £5 per person.

During the year (March, June, October & December) we organise Fun Social Mix-In Tournaments for players of all levels and advance booking is required as numbers are restricted to 32 players. 

Safeguarding. Please respect others and the Club Rules & Policies. As a club we contribute actively to enable more people to play tennis more often in a manner that is safe, inclusive and fair.