Hythe LTC Singles Box Leagues

Welcome to the Hythe Tennis Box Leagues, open to adult (joint, single, student) and junior (senior status) members. Below you'll find all the details you need to participate, schedule your matches, and report your results.
Entry Information
You can view all the updated boxes for the next round online. Please visit the LTA website at competitions.lta.org.uk. Select "Box League" and type "Hythe" in the search bar. Here, you can enter, withdraw, and view all the boxes and information needed to complete the box league.
Scheduling Matches
Coordinate with your opponents to schedule your matches to suit your timetable. Details will be visible once registered, pre planning for the month helps keep the league running smoothly.
Matches are the best of one set, first to 6 games. A Tie-break to 7 points (2 points clear) is played at 6 games all.
Submit your match result promptly via the Google Form or by scanning the QR code on the poster in the clubhouse with your smartphone.
Respect and Fair Play are key to our league's success.
We value your feedback and suggestions. If you have any ideas or comments on how we can improve the league, please reach out to us via the results form or by email.
If you have any problems or need assistance, please contact us directly by emailing coaching@hythetennis.com