Guests Visitors


We welcome visitors, particularly new players who want to get to know us while considering becoming members.

Senior members may introduce a guest, for a fee of £6 per person*.  Junior members may introduce a guest, but only when this is approved by a senior member.  The name of the guest and the member who is introducing them must be entered in the Visitors’ Book and the fee put in the box, paid online  or given to a Committee member.  Alternatively, details of and payment for guests can be entered via the clubspark court booking system.  

Guests may usually only be invited a maximum of ten times in any calendar year*.

​*policy updated August 2023

Court 3 is bookable by non-members via the clubspark facility at a cost of £12 per hour (price increase with effect from July 2024) and is currently hourly slots - changed from the previous half-hour booking slots.