
Junior Referrals

Just a reminder that all courses for Juniors and Adults are all now live! 

As mentioned last week in the "vision" document, a lot of hard work will be going into building up the junior side of the club over the coming months (and years). A healthier junior program brings a wealth of benefits: a stronger club community as more juniors get involved with the club, more sporting opportunities (both socially and competitively) and makes the environment more inclusive (to name a few things).

Therefore, if anyone is interested, I'll be setting up a referral code system for members that can then be given out to the general public: friends, schools, etc. The unique code can be tracked in terms of how many uses it gets and from there MPC can offer benefits for your next registration.

IE if someone used "MPCCalumReferral"

  • 2 Referrals: 10% off on next block
  • 5 Referrals: Free Individual Lesson
  • 5+ Referrals: Can be discussed.

For those that are interested please contact Calum w/c 8th of August.