Squash & Racketball

We also have around 30 people playing in our internal league system reflecting a significant rise in club membership and engagement in friendly match play. We host a club junior tournament and senior tournament culminating in Finals Days for both in June.
Our Men's team joined the Sussex league in 2018 and now field four teams including one in the 'development' division enabling newer players from all clubs to experience a team match environment in a less pressured situation.
Team training during match season
Every Sunday 9am to 11am.
Free of charge for members.
Squash and Coffee
Every Friday morning 10am to 11am.
Free of charge for members, guest fee for non-members
Social Squash Night (as of 15th May 2023)
Wednesday 7pm-9pm
£2 members, £5 non members. All proceeds go to NTSC.
Quality coaches and club players on-hand to give expert advice with round-robin games. Bring your own refreshments for post session chat. All ages and abilities welcome.
Juniors Squash Coaching & Private Coaching
Sessions designed and managed by our squash coaches with more than 60 years playing experience. Members may take advantage of private lessons. Contact Jonny Jones 07739 359997 squashshotacademy@gmail.com
Click here for coaching options.
Racketball (Squash 57) players are welcome too.
As the sport grows in its popularity we are in the process of establishing a racketball league system plus various competitions to be held throughout the year.
For booking purposes the left hand court is No 1 and right hand is No 2.