
Seen or heard anything at the tennis courts that makes you concerned about someone's welfare?

Please refer to the details below to contact the relevant agency to raise a concern

Safeguarding is everyone's business. We have a duty to co-operate with Oxfordshire County Council in delivering its safeguarding duties. They have the responsibility to make sure the safeguarding response is coordinated.

For Emergencies

If a child or young person is in immediate danger, left alone or missing and/or a vulnerable adult is at immediate risk, you should contact the emergency services immediately on 999.

For Non-Emergencies

Members of the public can raise their concerns with us or directly with Oxfordshire County Council as follows:

Useful Contacts - Oxfordshire County Council

Assessment Team - weekdays daytime: call 0845 050 7666

Emergency Duty Team - after 5:00pm Monday to Thursday, and after 4:00pm on Fridays - call 0800 833408

Non-Emergency Police Team

Report historic concerns dial 101.

You can also contact the NSPCC on 0808 800 5000 for advice about safeguarding concerns.

You can let the LTA know of any concerns by using our secure form which can be found at