Frequently Asked Questions

How long will events last for?

  • 2 hours minimum, 3 hours maximum

Are the events individual or team based?

  • Events may be either individual or team based and this will be advised on the calendar of events
  • Team based events may involve teams of size 2, 3 or 4 players

What flexibility is there on the stated age ranges?

  • In the school year 3+4 events school year 2’s are allowed to play up but not children any younger than that
  • In the school year 5+6 events school year 4’s are allowed to play up but not children any younger than that
  • Children older than the stated event age range are not allowed to play

What court sizes will be used?

  • School year 3+4 events: mini-red (4 mini-courts to a full court)
  • School year 5+6 events: mini-orange (1 court to a full size court)

My child has an LTA rating, can s/he still take part?

  • Players SHOULD BE non-rated or an O3, O4 or a G3 or G4
  • Players SHOULD NOT BE O1,O2,O1* or G1,G2,G1*

What kind of scoring format will be used in these events?

  • Depending on the organiser’s formatting plan matches may be played to a target score irrespective of time, within a timeframe irrespective of a target score or combining a target score within a timeframe
  • Timed matches may be applied on a central clock
  • 2 serves each end then change recommended
  • Change ends at halfway point (eg 5 if up to 10).
  • If scores level at end of time period either record as a draw or if require a winner play one more point.

Will my child have to do a proper over-arm serve?

  • In school year 3+4 events children can serve underarm with or without bounce from behind the baseline
  • In school year 5+6 events children who are capable of doing it will be encouraged to serve conventionally (ie overarm) from behind the baseline
  • School year 5+6 players who struggle to serve conventionally should be allowed to serve underarm in the following order of preferences (1 being most preferable):
  1. on volley behind baseline, (2) after bounce behind baseline, (3) from a point, ideally marked with a cone in the sidelines, level with halfway between the baseline and the service line either with or without a bounce

Who umpires the matches?

  • Spare, off-court players will be expected to be prepared to share umpire, line call, scoring and recording duties. This will keep everyone active and learning in an important part of the sport.

Are there prizes to win?

  • Certificates will be available for all, be it a winner, runner-up or participation one. Small prizes may also be issued.

How many matches will my child play at an event?

  • All children will play a similar number of multiple matches throughout each event, irrespective of whether they are more or less successful in winning matches