

Carl Morgan Bowl  -  Ladies Open Singles

V D Hailey Cup  -  Mens Open Singles

Mr and Mrs Hailey who lived in 23 Drysgol Road, Radyr are the same family as Hailey Park in Llandaff North.

Grundy Bowls  -  Mens Open Doubles
Presented by Fred Grundy, past President, father of Peter Grundy and grandfather of Julian Grundy (Boys champion).  Julian beat his twin brother Jonathan in the final.  Lived at 29 Drysgol Road and Weir House.

G B Williams Salver  -  Ladies Open Doubles
Presented by his son and daughters.  For many years was auditor of the club and was often at the club until he died aged 97.  Lived at 40 and 44 Heol Isaf.  Father of Barbara Williams and Lorna Clarke.  First President after the Earls of Plymouth.

E E Glynne Salver  -  Mixed Open Doubles
Lived in Windsor Road and then Heol Isaf.  Good player especially doubles.

Jack Evarard Cup  -  Mixed Open Doubles
Presented on leaving Radyr.  A member since he was a boy.  Not only Mens Champion but also Secretary, Treasurer, Captain and Chairman of the club.


Barbara Williams Cup  -  Ladies Handicap Singles

Played in Radyr as a young girl.  Champion when she was 16.  Our only home-grown member to play at Wimbledon for several years in the 1950’s in Ladies Doubles and Mixed Doubles.  (Rebecca Llewellyn played at Wimbledon in the 2000’s but was from Barry and was coached briefly by Chris Lumb).  Welsh Champion and Captain.  Daughter of G B Williams and sister to Lorna Clarke.  Moved to Penarth and played regularly at Rectory Road after the war, winning many more titles.

Greenway Cup  -  Mens Handicap Singles
Presented by Mr and Mrs Rupert Philips, original members of the club.  Named after their house which is now the Judges Lodgings on Drysgol Road.

Centenary Quaiches  -  Mixed Handicap Doubles
Presented by Katrina and Mike Clarke on the club’s centenary in 2014 when Katrina was first lady chair.


Barbara Cargill Cups  -  Veterans Ladies Doubles

Very keen player until illness – regularly played in the leagues.  Living in Radyr.  Husband David was Treasurer, Chairman and long-time Auditor.

David Somerford Cups  -  Mens Veterans Doubles and Singles
Dave was a regular team player who died at a relatively young age.  Trophy presented by his wife Chris, a former ladies captain and long-serving committee member.


T Llewellyn Brewer Cup  –  Boys Singles

The Brewers lived in 9 Station Road, Radyr.  They had two sons – one killed in the second world war. Originally, this was the Junior Cup with Boys and Girls competing against each other (until 1959).

Parry Williams Cup  -  Girls Singles
Presented by his son Arthur.  Parry was one of the original members of the club and involved in the laying of the first two hard courts (Courts 4 and 5).  He played a lot and with his sons, Arthur and Leonard, lived in 8 Kings Road.

David Clarke Cups  -  Boys Doubles
Presented to Juniors in memory of David who was killed in a car crash.  David was twice Junior Boys champion.  Grandson of Bill and Lorna, son of Guy and Cath (past Chairmen, captains etc).

Mixed Junior Doubles
Donated by our first full time Coach at RLTC and keen playing member of the Club leading the first team to the Premier division of the South Wales Leagues.


Richard Jenkin Trophy  -  Mens Thursday evening competition

Presented in memory of Richard who was a stalwart of the first team for many years.

Chris Gray Trophy  -  Mens Thursday evening ‘curry’ competition
Presented in memory of Chris who for some 40 years was a driving force for the development of the club and an ardent mens night player.  Past Chair, treasurer, and captain.

Chris Gray Award – Club person of the year award
Presented annually to an individual or group who have ‘gone beyond’ in service or support to the club over the previous year.  Trophy presented by Angela Gray in memory of her husband Chris, a true club person.