Our current 2024/25 membership year runs until 31st March 2025
Renewal notices for existing members willl be sent out via Clubspark in the last week of March 2025.
Please renew your membership as soon as possible after 1st April 2025, memberships not renewed by 21st April may find they cannot book courts
Any prospective new members who wish to join the club over the remaining few weeks running up to 1st April 2025 can email the Membership Secretary on membership@ratc.org.uk and make an individual arrangement.
The fees for 2025-26 have been set by the committee with an Adult annual membership 2025-26 priced at £140 for the year, Junior £26, Student £52,Family ( 1Adult) £143. Other packages have had a similar 4-5% increase on last years prices.
To assist in the renewal process, please would members who are not intending to renew for the coming year. please email membership@ratc.org.uk before 21st March 2025.
Child members( free of charge ) will need to move to a Junior or Family package if they have reached the age of 11 years by 1.2.25
Juniors, whether on a Family or individual Junior package will need to move to an Student or Adult package if they reach the age of 18 years by 1.2.25
IMPORTANT :Members moving from Junior to Adult/ Student status need to advise their own email address to the club
Students will be deemed to need an Adult package once they reach the age of 23 years by 1.2.25 unless thay advise the club differently. Young adults in apprenticeships , receiving minimum wage or unwaged may be entitled to continue on a reduced rate Student /Concessionary package , pleae contact membership@ratc.org.uk if necessary.
Year 13 ( 6th form college ) students who reach 18years by 1.2.25 can move to Distance Student package @ £27 for the 2025-26 year . This package is also suitable for full time students at university or college at least 25 miles from Romsey for the academic year Sept.2024- July 2025, or Sept.2025-July 2026.
If any of these age changes affect you or your family please expect to see a change in your renewal notice.
The annual membership fees can be paid within ClubSpark by card on " Stripe", or by Direct Debit mandate with " Go Cardless.
Annual membership fees in excess of £50 can be paid monthly or as a single payment.
Stripe and Go Cardless make administration deductions from membership fees, the total fee paid if payments are made monthly is slightly more than the single payment fee.
Members making payments via BACS tranfer need to make this payment with their bank outside of Clubspark , the club receives your full fee if you pay via BACS, there are no adminstative deductions for this payment method which appears on the Clubpark renewal notice as payment method "Other".
It is expected that members opting to pay by monthly Direct Debits continue for the full 12 payments to meet the cost of an annual membership, unless the member moves away, falls ill or sustains significant injury.
The club only offers shorter duration packages for new members joining during the winter season (October to March).
Benefits of membership at the club include:
- Free court booking rights within the club's court booking policy (excluded for Social/Contact Members).
- Free LTA Advantage Play + Membership ( previously known as British Tennis Membership).
- A free introductory session with one of the coaching team for new Adult Members.
- Access to FREE Member Organised Sessions (MOS) for Adults and Student Members.
- Reduced coaching fees.
- Reduced fees for coach-led club social tournaments.
- Ability to represent the club in local competitive leagues (Adults and Juniors).
- Ability to enter our Internal Box Leagues and annual Club Championships (additional charges may apply).
- Access to Club Social Events.
By applying for membership at Romsey & Abbey Tennis Club, members accept and agree to abide by the following:
Safeguarding Policy
Diversity and Inclusion Policy
Code of Conduct
Court Booking Policy
General Membership Information
- A limited number of Social/Contact memberships are available for adults unable to play tennis due to injury or illness, and non-playing adults who still want to be involved with the club for social contact and volunteering. Please contact the Membership Secretary, at membership@ratc.org.uk for more details and to apply.
- All membership packages other than Social/Contact membership, include court booking rights.
- Floodlight use is an additional charge.
- Court bookings for members under 18 years old need to be made by the member's named adult contact.
- Only the lead adult contact on a Family package automatically has court booking rights.
- BACS is the club's preferred method of payment, as it does not incur any charges.
If you have any further questions about membership at the club, please contact the Membership Secretary, Sue Tippett, by email membership@ratc.org.uk.