
General enquiries:

Membership enquiries:


Wiltshire Tennis:

Welfare/Safeguarding concerns:

RWB Sports Association, Gerard Buxton Sports Ground:    Tel: 01793  853 880


For safeguarding matters only, the  Club has a designated RWBTC Welfare Officer (the Welfare Officer is not a point of contact for the Club other than for safeguarding issues) :

Mary Litchfield

 Tel.: 07872632549


LTA Safeguarding Team: 

Daytime:                  Tel. 020 8487 7000                        E.

To report a concern direct to the LTA complete the LTA’s online concern form and contact the police/social care within 24 hours


Multi-Agency Support Hub (MASH)

Weekdays 9 am to 5 pm, call 0300 456 0108

Weekends, Bank Holidays and weekdays 5 pm to 9 am, call 0300 456 0100

NSPCC for adults concerned about a child: 0808 800 5000

Childline: help for children and young people: 0800 1111

If there is immediate danger contact the police on 999.


Contact RWB Tennis Club

Where to find us

Our address is Royal Wootton Bassett Tennis Club, Gerard Buxton Sports Ground, Brinkworth Road, Royal Wootton Bassett, Wiltshire SN4 8DS.  A location map is here.   The Club is located within the area indicated as the Royal Wootton Bassett Sports Association.

Royal Wootton Bassett Tennis Club
Gerard Buxton Sports Ground, Brinkworth Road Royal Wootton Bassett SWINDON Wiltshire SN4 8DS