Club Champs 2024

Somer Valley Tennis Club Champs 2024
Club Champs has now been completed for another year. What an exceptional FINALS day we had playing on the indoor courts at Writhlington Tennis Centre. There will be lots of photos on our social media. Our WINNERS & worthy RUNNERS UP are shown on this page.
A HUGE shout out the the Club Champs organising team of Patrick, James, Jenny P, Jenny B, Marc, Julia, Oli Bell & Sarah Dawe (photographers), Alan & Barbara Gammon, Mandy S and the catering team!
Volunteer Cups were won by the following people :
Bernard Pendle Club Member of the Year - NEIL SCOTT
Stonier Hobbs Volunteer of the Year - MARC JABBITT
O Mahony Most Improved Junior - IMOGEN LINES
Fit for Sport Most Improved Mini - JACK ARNOLD
Thank you to our sponsors Biznus Payroll Ltd, Stonier Hobbs and Scott Construction for their ongoing support.
CONGRATULATIONS & WELL PLAYED to everyone that took part in the events beforehand, plus the finalists for producing an amazing day of tennis including a number of championship tiebreaks - all nailbiting stuff !