Associate Member

Somer Valley Tennis Club has an Associate Membership for people returning to playing after a period of time, someone keen to find a new sport, or those wishing to try out a new club without committing financially.

It has proved popular, as it includes siblings, partners, grandparents and family members just keen to be associated with a thriving tennis community and being able to keep in touch with the club.

For £30 you can join in without the larger financially outlay.  You may pay & play as to attend club sessions on a Monday, Tuesday & Sunday.  At £5.00 per session, this represents good value for  money but also helps towards the court costs.

You will receive club emails and newsletters plus be able to access the Sports Therapy partners we have.  If after a few weeks you wish to increase your membership, just speak to our Membership Secretary - Neil Scott.  He's more than happy to help!

Our membership main page has details of all membership types and benefits but  if you have any other queries please email and a member of the committee will reply within 24 hrs.