
Newsletter - Look Out For

Look out for...

So, what exciting things do we have in-store for our VI players and volunteers through the rest of 2023 going into 2024.

Firstly, our Captain’s Day, where the Club Captain will host an event for the players and volunteers. Watch out for more details.

Six players are planning to attend and play at the Glasgow regional VI tennis tournament in October. For two players, this will be first experience of a regional tournament – good luck to all.

Alongside SRSB, we will be hosting a fundraising event in November. The plan is to hold this at SRSB Mapping Street building, there will be a quiz, raffle, food and music. Date confirmed as 9th November.

The Club will host it’s Christmas Party at the Hallamshire Tennis and Squash Club. The party is planned for the 9th  December. At the party, the Team Challenge winner(s) will be announced!

And as we look ahead into 2024, we plan to host our second recreational tournament during quarter one.

 The next few months are looking busy!