Sumer Tennis Camps
Spencer Park Tennis Club
October Half Term
Spencer Avenue, Coventry, CV5 6NP
Course: Tuesday 29th, Wednesday 30th and Thursday 31th August
Time: 1pm – 4pm
For: children from school Year 1 – Year 11 (Children will be grouped according to age, ability and previous tennis experience.)
Cost: £18 for 1 full day course
Course will allow children to develop agility, balance and co-ordination, shot techniques and tactics, through fun games, match play and competition.
Coaches: Collen Mhlanga, Larry Wilson and Tom Greenfield LTA qualified and Accredited.
To book a place please contact Collen Mhlanga 07717057547/
and provide the following information:
Child’s Name
Emergency Contact Number (Please provide two)
Medical Info/Allergies
School attended/School Year
Payment Method:
How to book:
BACS – Online payment:
Play2Win Limited Sort Code 20-49-17 Account 00719773
Payment ref: SP + child`s Surname