Contact Information
Current Officers for the Club are:
- Christine Ayling
- Rosie Brown - Secretary
- Liz Halliday
- Lee Lewin - Membership Officer
- Amy Middleton-Gear - Treasurer
- Nick Robinson
- Carrie Shenton - Welfare Officer
- Conchi Villar
- Beckie Whitehouse
Any other villagers who are keen to help in our goal to "Get more people playing tennis more often" are always welcome to join this merry band of Volunteers.
We operate a flat committee structure rather than having a Chair. You can contact the whole committee by emailing: committee.
Maintenance enquiries
The Tennis Club is responsible for day to day maintenance but the Parish Council holds contracts with the maintenance providers and manages periodic MUGA refurbishment. For any maintenance enquiries, whether it's about issues relating to the court as a user, or if you are a courts maintenance company trying to drum up business, please email the Parish Clerk and cc' the tennis club committee. Thank you.
Tweener lighting system
We have had a few enquiries from other clubs interested to view the Tweener Lighting system in action (this is the first site in the country where these lights are used across two courts, rather than just one court), and we have hosted a few visiting groups. While it's fun to meet new people, we don't add much, so suggest that any clubs wanting to view the lights in action simply book themselves in as a Pay to Play session. If you want to know more before visiting, please email the Parish Clerk.
Safeguarding concerns
Any concerns relating to safeguarding issues should be directed to our Welfare Officer:
Carrie Shenton - call 07890 264773 or email Welfare Officer
Where to find us
The courts are adjacent to Haverhill Road in Stapleford,
but parking is at the Pavilion, entrance off Gog Magog Way
- opposite 59/61 Gog Magog Way; there is a height barrier.
From the Pavilion car park, walk across the Recreation
Ground to the courts.
Those coming by bike can use the racks next to the courts.
Stapleford Tennis Club
Recreation Ground Gog Magog Way CAMBRIDGE Cambridgeshire CB22 5BQ