2024/5 Membership Fees

Membership Fees Category Full Rate Pro-Rata (August onwards) Category Description
Single £140 £70 18 years old and over
Student £47 £24 18+ in full time education
Junior £47 £24 10-18 year olds
Mini £25 £13 9 years and under
Social £15   Non playing members
Family £316 £161 Family and under 18 year olds


Membership year runs for 12 months from 1st March

There is a 10% discount for additional members living at the same address.

Membership discounts

1 member: No discount

2 members or more: 10% off total subscription

Example: Family membership maximum cost £316 compared to discounted rate for 2 Adults/2 Juniors: £374 less 10% discount = £336.60. Same for 2 or more juniors. Family of 2 adults and 2 minis costs £297 and is less than Family rate of £316.