Leagues & Clubs

Local Tennis Leagues

Joining your Local Tennis League is the perfect way for you to quench your competitive thirst, improve your tennis and make friends, all balanced around your busy lifestyle. Local Tennis Leagues offer friendly local singles competitions for players aged over 18 around the country and matches on thousands of park and public courts. Since the inaugural league in May 2005, 200 leagues have been established for adults nationwide.

This number is growing all the time, with leagues springing up from Inverness to Jersey and everywhere in between. You can choose where and when you play, and we try to match opponents to your playing level. And best of all, there are prizes to be won!

The Leagues covering Lambeth are:

Clapham Common and Kennington & Brockwell Park.

For more information, please visit Barclays Local Tennis Leagues.


Local Clubs

There are a number of active tennis clubs within the borough which are listed below. If you'd like more information on these clubs, click on the club name below and you'll be directed to their website.

Grafton Tennis & Squash Club

Serious About Tennis at Hillside Gardens Park

Telford Park LTC

Wigmore Tennis Club

Woodfield Grove Tennis Club