
Our Club has two squash courts which were built in 1980 on land leased from Highland Council. In 2014-15 Club funds and members goodwill enabled us to convert one court into a glass-backed court and the viewing area above the courts was extended over the changing rooms to provide a seating area and a kitchen.

There are different grades of ball for different standards of play for squash as the ball must be kept warm by rallying for it to bounce well. Using the appropriate ball will add to your enjoyment of your game. Eye protectors are recommended for squash players as the ball is the size of an eye socket. Juniors must wear eye protectors on court as directed by the Scottish Squash Association.

Racketball can be played on the squash courts. The  rules of the game are very similar to those for squash but shorter, large-headed rackets and larger, bouncier balls make it easier for beginners or those of us who are less mobile to play.

Squash and Racketball are excellent games for your general fitness, giving an energetic workout in a 40 minute session.

Club  mixed  squash leagues are run on a monthly basis for those who wish to play competitively against other members and meet others of a similar standard.

Annual Club Championships and Handicap competitions are well established for Squash, as well as an intercounty match with Orkney and an interclub match with Wick.

A table tennis table can be wheeled into the courts for a table tennis session.

Light fees must be paid for a 40 minute session whatever the court is used for. This fee is currently 4 x £1 coins in light meter.

Squash Leagues

Why not improve your game by joining our squash leagues.  From beginner to advanced, there is a level for everyone.  Click here to join the leagues, hosted by sportyhq, the recommended platform from Scottish Squash.