Join us

We are a small, friendly club offering a variety of competitive membership packages and, whilst you don't need to be a member to enjoy the coaching, the benefits of joining as a member are many:
- Free use of the courts (courts must be booked)
- Reasonable floodlight charges - £1.50 for 30minutes
- Good court availability- Supervised weekly junior social tennis
- Free social tennis "Club Sessions" for adults three times a week
- Free British Tennis membership.* Sign-up here
- Reduced group coaching rates
- Opportunities to represent the club in team competitions
- Club competitions & ladders
- Social events throughout the year

Membership Fees  for 2023/24 (April-March)

Month Joining  Adults Students * Juniors (U18)
April £195 £85 £43
May £195 £85 £43
June £195 £85 £43
July £180 £80 £40
August £165   £75 £37
September £150   £70 £35
October £135   £60 £33
November £120   £55 £31
December £100   £45 £29
January £75   £40 £16
February £55   £30 £16
March £40      £25  £16

* Students are classified as those in full time education.

Adult Social Membership - £20 for all or part of year (no discounts applicable) 

Senior Citizens Membership - £15 reduction on Adult Membership figures (Over 65s) applied pro rata throughout the year

Family Membership – £15 per adult and £5 per junior reduction on standard fees (1 or more Adults + 1 or more Juniors of same family) applied pro rata throughout the year

Daytime/Weekday Membership – 50% reduction of above amounts (excludes play after 6pm and weekends

Visitors Fee – Adults (18+) £5 per day, Juniors £2 per day (refundable if subsequent membership fee covers same period.) for three visits maximum. So you are welcome to come and try the club before you join, just contact us and we can welcome you down at the club and show you around.

One Months’ Membership

      Adults      Juniors     Students
Summer (April-Sept)     £50      £30 £18
Winter (Oct-Mar)     £40      £25 £16

Please contact Membership Secretary Pat Drummond with queries or for more membership information. (or see Contact tab for other key club contacts)

Please download an application form or apply on-line below.



2024/2025 Adult Membership

01/04/2024- 31/03/2025

Adult Membership for one year beginning 1st April 2024. It is the basic Membership Fee without any discounts, but includes the Sports Club Subscription fee of £20.

Eligibility: If aged18 years or over and not a Student or a Senior

Join now

2024/2025 Adult Social Membership

01/04/2024- 31/03/2025

This membership is for those people that do not want to be members of the Tennis Club but wish to use the facilities of the Pavilion including the bar.

Eligibility: Any Person aged 18 years and over that wishes to use the facilities of the Pavilion.

Join now

2024/2025 Coach Membership

01/04/2024- 31/03/2025

Free Membership for the WTC coaching team

Eligibility: Must have a contract with the Club Membership and have a Level 3 accreditation or above

Join now

2024/2025 Junior Membership

01/04/2024- 31/03/2025

Membership rate for person of any age under 18.

Eligibility: You must be under 18 years of age.

Join now

2024/2025 Limited Coaching Membership

01/04/2024- 31/03/2025

Limited quarterly/half yearly/yearly membership if only attending coaching lessons at the club

Eligibility: If you are 18 yrs old or more.

Join now

2024/2025 Senior Membership

01/04/2024- 31/03/2025

This is the annual membership for Ladies and Men over 65 and includes a £15 discount on the full membership rate.

Eligibility: The current age eligibility is 65 for Ladies and for Men.

Join now

2024/2025 Student Membership

01/04/2024- 31/03/2025

This membership rate is for adults who are 18yrs and over who are in full time education.

Eligibility: This membership rate is for adults who are 18yrs and over who are in full time education e.g. at college or university.

Join now

2025/2026 Adult Membership

01/04/2025- 31/03/2026

Adult Membership for one year beginning 1st April 2025. It is the basic Membership Fee without any discounts, but includes the Sports Club Subscription fee of £20.

Eligibility: If aged18 years or over and not a Student or a Senior

Join now

2025/2026 Adult Social Membership

01/04/2025- 31/03/2026

This membership is for those people that do not want to be members of the Tennis Club but wish to use the facilities of the Pavilion including the bar.

Eligibility: Any Person aged 18 years and over that wishes to use the facilities of the Pavilion.

Join now

2025/2026 Coach Membership

01/04/2025- 31/03/2026

Free Membership for the WTC coaching team

Eligibility: Must have a contract with the Club Membership and have a Level 3 accreditation or above

Join now

2025/2026 Junior Membership

01/04/2025- 31/03/2026

Membership rate for person of any age under 18.

Eligibility: You must be under 18 years of age when joining.

Join now

2025/2026 Senior Membership

01/04/2025- 31/03/2026

This is the annual membership for Ladies and Men over 65 and includes a £15 discount on the full membership rate.

Eligibility: The current age eligibility is 65 for Ladies and for Men.

Join now

2025/26 Student Membership

01/04/2025- 31/03/2026

This membership rate is for adults who are 18yrs and over who are in full time education.

Eligibility: This membership rate is for adults who are 18yrs and over who are in full time education e.g. at college or university.

Join now

Limited Coaching Membership

01/04/2025- 31/03/2026

Limited quarterly/half yearly/yearly membership if only attending coaching lessons at the club

Eligibility: If you are 18 yrs old or more.

Join now