Useful Information

Wyndham Park Tennis Courts – Useful Information

Q. When are the courts open?

A. The courts are available to book every day from daylight to dusk (courts close in line with daylight hours) as the courts are not floodlit.

Warning: When wet or frosty, the courts & lines become slippery and may be dangerous to play on. Please take this into consideration when deciding to play. 

Q. Why is there a booking system?

A. A booking system is in place to help manage the use and ensure fair access for everyone who wants to play.

The tennis court at Dysart Park is remaining a ‘turn up and play’ court.

Q. Do I have to be a resident of Grantham to play?

A. No everyone is welcome.

Q: How many days in advance can I book?

A. You can book up to 14 days in advance. Availability for the following two week period will come online at midnight each day. 

Q: How long can I book my slot for?

A. You can book as much as you want. We may review this in the future depending on availability to ensure everyone has the opportunity to play.

Q. What do the tones/sounds mean on the keypad?

A. Two short tones (with a blue light displayed) signals that the code has been inputed correctly.

A short tone (with a red light displayed) signals that the code has been inputed incorrectly.

A long tone (with a red light displayed) signals that the code has been input incorrectly three times. The keypad has now been locked, and you will need to wait one minute before trying again.

Q. Are the courts accessible?

A. Yes, the courts are fully accessible.

Q. Can I hire equipment?

A. Unfortunately no, however Grantham Tennis Club do sell affordable, good quality tennis rackets and balls for all ages and abilities. The club shop is open 8am to 7.30pm Monday to Thursday, 8am to 9pm Friday and 8am to 6pm Saturday and Sunday.

Q. Can I buy equipment?

A. We are looking at options for 2024. Until then as well as usual places Grantham Tennis Club does sell a wide range of rackets and balls for all ages and abilities.

Q. I have an old racket / my strings are broken do I need to buy a new one?

A. If your racket is old or your strings are broken there is a restringing / regripping service at Grantham Tennis Club. You may not need to buy a new racket.

Q. Are there toilet facilities?

A. The toilets which are managed by SKDC are open throughout the week.

Q. Is there a car park?

A. Yes, the car park is open all the time. Postcode is NG31 9BB.

Q. Can I buy drinks or snacks?

A. Yes Wyndham Park Cafe is open throughout the week.

Q. What is the revenue from WPTC used for?

A. All income will be used for the maintenance and development of the Wyndham Park Tennis Programme.

Q. Are there any coaching opportunities at WPTC

A. Yes but not until 2024. If you can not wait that long please visit Grantham Tennis Club's website for all year round coaching.

Q. Who can Coach on WPTC?

A. Only authorised and approved GTC Coaches and GTC Activators can coach on the courts at Wyndham Park.

Q. Can I make a booking for coaching purposes?

A. Only Grantham Tennis Club Coaches who hold current accreditation are authorised and insured to deliver coaching activities on the courts. 

Q. I am keen to compete and play matches, how can I get involved?

A. Look out for information about Local Club League and Adult Box Leagues coming to the WPTC in 2024. 

Q. Am I entitled to a concessionary rate if I am in receipt of benefits?

A. There are no concessionary rates. If anyone would like to play but can not afford the charge and is not managing to book the ‘free’ sessions please get in touch with

Q: Is there an app?

A. There is, but there are a few ongoing issues their developers are investigating.

Q. What do I do If I see damage to the courts

A. If you notice the courts are damaged or unsafe, please contact us so we can investigate. Please email or call 01476 591391.

Q. What do I do if I witness Anti-social behaviour

A. If you witness anti-social behaviour on courts from users that is not in keeping with those set out in the Terms of Use, please report to the Park Keeper or in the Visitor Centre (if open) or email so it can be addressed and appropriate action taken.


Telephone: 01476 40 60 80

Out of hours/emergency number: 01476 40 60 40

For other kinds of anti-social behaviour, such as criminal activity, you should contact the police - use 101 if it is not an emergency (call 999 if it is an emergency).