Contact us

Club Chairperson: Paul Edgar

Vice Chairperson: Chris Olding

Membership Secretary: Diane Wright  email

Safeguarding Officer: Karen Patel

Bowling Safeguarding Officers: Gaynor Olding & Margaret Marwood

Treasurer: Rod Macaulay

Club Secretary: vacant

Tennis: Barbara Macaulay

Bowling: Nigel Hall

Social Tennis: Barbara Macaulay

Junior Tennis: Jamie Walters (Head Coach, Kinetic Tennis,

Ladies Team Tennis: Susan Gosling

Men's Team Tennis: Harwin Bosworth

Mixed Team Tennis: Paul Edgar,  Barbara Macaulay or Jeremy Rydings

Bowling Secretary: Sonya Garfitt



Where to find us

The Club can be found in Huby on the A658 Harrogate to Bradford road. Park in the Village Hall car park and, from there, take the walkway through the pedestrian tunnel under the railway embankment.

Almscliffe Tennis & Bowling Club
Almscliffe Tennis & Bowling Cl, Almscliffe Hall Harrogate Road LEEDS Yorkshire LS17 0EG