
At Almscliffe Tennis and Bowling Club, we are delighted to have a coaching partnership with Kinetic Tennis, an energetic tennis coaching company who have established a network of coaching programmes in a number of clubs across the Leeds and Bradford area.

Together, we offer a full, comprehensive coaching programme giving plenty of opportunities for all ages and abilities to join in. Follow the links below to find and book onto the sessions we have to offer:


Cost of Sessions

There are 2 ways of booking onto our sessions, either block booking or pay per play. There is a £2 discount per session if you block book the sessions. We accept both members and non-members in our sessions, however there is a £2 surcharge per session for non-members. An outline of the costs are below: 


 Block Booking

 Pay per Play

 1-1 Coaching


£7.00 £9.00 £30 / hour


£9.00 £11.00 £35 / hour


Jamie Walters Head Coach at Kinetic Tennis is an LTA Level 3 Accredited + Coach and he delivers our comprehensive coaching programme alongside his coaching team. Jamie and his team offer fun and inclusive sessions. They are skilled and knowledable individuals capable of developing players of all ages and abilities. They offer both group and individual coaching sessions. If you are unsure about which group you should join, please contact Jamie on 07938850558 or email



Sessions at ATBC