Membership Terms & Conditions

Membership is subject to members confirmation that:

  • they and any others on whose behalf they are applying for membership are residents of the Barbican Estate. (Please note that this is a mandatory requirement for membership and that checks may be carried out.  If members cease to be Barbican residents they must surrender their membership).
  • they (and any others on whose behalf they are applying for membership) undertake to abide by the Rules of the Club
  • they agree to contribute up to £1.00 per member to the Club’s assets in the event of its insolvency.
  • they agree to adults’ contact details appearing on the Membership List, which is circulated by email to members from time to time and may also be available to members from Reception in Lauderdale Tower.  Members also agree not to use other members’ contact details obtained from the Membership List for any purpose unrelated to the activities of the Tennis Club.
  • The Barbican Lawn Tennis Club keeps a database of the names, addresses, tennis skill levels, telephone numbers and email addresses of members as disclosed by members.  This database is used for managing BLTC accounts and keeping members informed about BLTC activities and made available to the LTA/ClubSpark (please see their statement about data protection).  Members of the BLTC must consent to the use of this information for these purposes.    Members are responsible for ensuring that the details recorded in the Club's database are correct and up to date.


This document is available on the Club’s website or on request from the Club Secretary.