
BLTC Rules

1.  Access to the Courts: The security of the school premises is vital.

(a)    The key to the courts is held by the Reception Staff in Lauderdale Tower, who will issue it only to Members upon handing over a valid Membership card.   The Member to whom the key has been given is responsible for returning it to the Reception Staff.   (This means that the Member who has obtained the key should take the key back to Lauderdale Reception even though other members may still be using the courts.) 

(b)    A Member should not allow a non-member or guest to use their membership card, nor should a Member give the Court Key to any other person other than the Club Secretary (or a member of Lauderdale Reception in exchange for the key).

(c)   The door to the courts must remain locked before, during, and after play: members must lock the door both after entering and on leaving the courts.   

(d)   Members in the court area are responsible for checking the Membership Cards of persons using or requesting entry to the courts.

(e)  In no circumstances should the key be taken home or anywhere other than the courts or Lauderdale reception.   If for any reason a Member is unable to return the key to the Reception Staff, he/she should let the Reception Staff and the Club Secretary know urgently.

(f)    Members must not request the keys outside the hours shown as bookable on the Bookings Sheets. 

(g)    Members should be courteous to reception staff at all times.  (Providing this service to the Tennis Club is not part of their job and it would be difficult to run the Club without their support.)

 (h)  Members may invite guests (whether they are Barbican residents or not) up to a maximum of three guests per hour for use of one court only.   Members must ensure that their guests behave in conformance with Club Rules.   Guests are allowed inside the Tennis court door only if the member who invited them is present – if the member leaves, the Member’s guests must leave too.

2.      Bookings

(a)  Members may not book more than 3 hours in any 7-day period.

(b)  Members may only book single hours during the evenings and weekends.  Members may however make consecutive bookings of up to two hours during school holidays before 6 pm.

(c)  No Member or group of Members acting together may book both courts at any one time other than with the specific agreement of the Club Secretary.

(d)  Bookings are automatically invalid if the booking Member and at least one opponent are not on court within ten minutes of the booked starting time. Other Members may then take the court and play until the beginning of the next booked period.

(e)   Members unable to take up a booking must cancel at the earliest opportunity. Persistent offenders may, at the discretion of the Board, have their Membership suspended.

(f)   The School have priority should they wish to use the courts after 18:00 hours during term-time, or at any time.   They may occasionally exercise this right, in which case Members must always courteously give way to the School.   If sufficient notice is given by the School, the Club Secretary will strike through the appropriate sections on the booking sheets and, so far as is practicable, inform members about any bookings consequently cancelled.

3.      Coaching

(a)   Coaching is defined as any formal coaching delivered on our courts, whether remunerated or not.  (Informal coaching of junior members by their parent does not fall within this definition, so long as that parent is a member of the Club.)

(b)   Only paid-up members may receive coaching on our courts.

(c)   Permission must be obtained in advance from the Club Secretary for any member to enter into any arrangement for coaching on the Club Courts not covered by general coaching arrangements notifed to all members by the Club Secretary.

 (d)  The Club Secretary will ensure that:

  • all coaching on our courts is approved by the Club
  • all coaching on our courts is delivered by coaches who are suitably qualified and have relevant previous experience of tennis coaching
  • coaching activities do not put at risk our relationship with the City of London School for Girls from whom we rent the courts
  • the use of the courts for coaching is not disproportionate in relation to other Club activities

(e)   The Club Directors may authorise a coach/coaches to deliver coaching on our courts to members for a specified period.   Such a coach/coaches may be authorised by the Club to agree coaching arrangements directly with Club Members.  The coach/coaches or the Club Secretary should be the first point of reference for any coaching enquiries.

4   General

(f).   Members must be familiar with, and support and follow, the Club’s Policies and Procedures on Safeguarding, Diversity and Whistleblowing.

(g)   Members (including their guests and children) and coaches must abide by the BLTC Code of Conduct.    (Members are responsible for their guests and children in this regard).

(h)   Members and coaches must talk promptly to the Club Welfare Officer about any concerns they might have regarding the safety of those using the courts.






This document is available on the Club’s website or on request from the Club Secretary.