How to find us
Barns Green Tennis Club
Barns Green Sports & Social Club, Muntham Drive, Barns Green
RH13 0PT
Welcome to Barns Green Tennis Club.
We are a club that welcomes players of all standards and pride ourselves on being inclusive for all ages. We have a thriving adult and junior membership.
We currently have adult club session running on Wednesday evenings from 19:00 and Sunday mornings from 10:00. These are open to all members of any standard. Non-members are also welcome to attend a club session before joining to meet current members.
Please remember to book a court - free for members
The Men's Team finish in 3rd place in the Winter League
11 months ago
Handicap tournament
about a year ago
Lisa Harrison and John Dye victorious in Doubles Handicap Tournament
2 years ago
Membership at the club for adults is fantastic value at just £60 for the year and only £10 for Juniors
This includes:
Barns Green Tennis Club
Barns Green Sports & Social Club, Muntham Drive, Barns Green
RH13 0PT