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Have you renewed your membership?

Members have been sent an email with details of their subscription renewal for 2024. In line with other tennis clubs in Edinburgh we are consolidating the previous 22 membership categories into 8 categories.

Following a boost in membership numbers during the pandemic, when tennis was recognized as an acceptable activity under controlled conditions, we have since experienced the anticipated decline in membership numbers. We are down from 505 members in 2022, to 427 members in 2023, a decline of 15%.

Due to this downward trend in membership numbers combined with increasing costs, specifically energy costs to keep the clubhouse warm during the winter months we need to make a small increase to our subscriptions. The fees for 2024 are in line with other tennis clubs in Edinburgh and are detailed below. 

Adult age over 25: £195 (previously £185)
Adult age 19>25: £100 (previously £80)
Adult weekday: £140 (previously £130)
Couples: £330 (previously £310)
Family 1 Adult and kids: £230 (previously £215)
Family 2 Adults and kids: £360 (previously £340)
Juniors: £65 (previously £20-£60)
Non playing: £30 (previously £20)

If you wish to change your membership category because your cicumstances have changed, please apply for the different membership category via the website 2024 2025 Membership Categories

If you wish to pay by cheque rather than bank transfter cheques can be sent to the Membership Secretary, 22 Lennel Avenue, Edinburgh, EH12 6DW.

If you have any other membership renewal queries please email