Code of Conduct

CPT Code of Conduct for All

Cowan Park Tennis (CPT) has adopted a code of conduct to be followed by all users of our community courts. This is seen as good practice for a facility such as ours and sets out the behaviour expected by all users of the courts.

The aim of this policy is to:

  1. ensure that everyone is treated fairly and with respect;
  2. inform players about the standards of behaviour and etiquette expected so that the right playing environment is created for everyone;
  3. outline the complaints procedure so that, where there is a shortfall in behaviour, this can be addressed.


The CPT management is responsible for setting standards and values to apply to every person who uses our community facilities. Tennis should be enjoyed by everyone who wants to play the game.

All members/players must treat other members, visitors, coaches and officials with respect. There must be no inappropriate actions, behaviour, comments or physical contact which may cause offence, i.e. mental or physical anxiety or hurt to an individual.

Inappropriate actions include:

  • Racquet throwing;
  • Swearing;
  • Being abusive or aggressive;
  • Intimidating behaviour;
  • Questioning another person’s integrity over line calls or other actions;
  • Causing danger or harm to other players through your play.


Racket sports only: No ball games other than recognised racket sports are allowed on the courts.

Bikes: Please do not bring bikes into the courts. There is a bike park next to the café.

Mobile phones: Unless absolutely vital, all mobiles, phones and other communication devices should be switched off or set to silent mode as these can disrupt play.

Rubbish removal: Empty cans, old tennis balls or other items of rubbish should be removed from the court when play has finished and disposed of in the park bins.


Tennis etiquette exists to help everyone enjoy the game. Opponents, partners, and others on or near the courts should always be shown respect and consideration. Some basic guidelines:

  • Always wear clean sports shoes to protect the playing surface;
  • Ensure any equipment you are not using (spare rackets, clothing, drinks, etc.) are out of the way before starting to play and remove all rubbish when leaving courts;
  • Do not disturb people on court until after their time is up;
  • Do not walk behind a court whilst a game or a rally is in progress. Pass as quickly as possible after a point has finished;
  • If a stray ball comes onto a court, wait until the owners are ready before returning it and then hit it to the server’s end;
  • If your ball goes onto or behind another court, don’t retrieve it if the players are playing a point (but warn them if they might step on it);
  • Do not criticise your partner or opponent, be positive and offer encouragement instead.


If an issue cannot be resolved by the parties involved, a complaint can be made in writing to the CPT management team by emailing


The management team will:

  • acknowledge the formal complaint in writing;
  • respond within 14 days;
  • deal reasonably and sensitively with the complaint; and
  • take action where appropriate.


  • The Management Board shall have power to refuse membership, expel a Member or ban any member of the public from using the facilities if it, in its sole discretion, determines that it would be in the interests of the Game or of the Community to do so.
  • A Member shall not be expelled unless he is given 14 days' written notice of the meeting of the Management Board at which his expulsion shall be considered and written details of the complaint made against him.
  • The Member shall be given an opportunity to appear before the Management Board to answer complaints made against them. The member must not be expelled unless at least two-thirds of the Management Board then present vote in favour of their expulsion.