Club rules

(Adopted March 1988) (Revised March 2023)
1. The Annual General Meeting shall be held not later   
than the 31st March each year. Each member shall 
receive 14 days notice of the meeting with the 
agenda. An Extraordinary Meeting may be convened 
on the requisition of any six members on 14 days 
2. The Officers shall consist of a President, Hon. 
Secretary, Hon. Treasurer and a Committee of at 
least six persons who will elect their own 
3. The election of new members and the termination 
of any membership shall rest with the Committee.
4. The subscription for members for the ensuing 
season shall rest with the Committee.
5. The Committee may not alter or delete any rule 
made at the Annual General Meeting of the Club, but 
subject to this restriction they may do everything for 
the due contract of the Club and may make such 
regulations as are deemed to be necessary for this 
purpose. Notice of any such regulations shall be 
posted on the Club website and every member shall 
be considered to have notice thereof, when so 
6. No member or visitor shall play except in tennis 
7. Court and pavilion codes are available to members 
upon payment of their annual fees.
8. On vacating the courts, members are responsible 
for the slackening of the nets, locking the court gates 
(if both courts are not in use) and, if used, the 
pavilion. When members have finished playing on the 
MUGA they must remove the net and posts and 
return them to the box outside the court.
9. When all the courts are in use and other members 
are wanting to play, no member shall occupy a court 
for more than seven more games.
10. The Committee shall have authority to close any 
court at their discretion or to reserve a court for 
match play by due notice. Courts are pre-bookable 
up to 7 days in advance.
11. Prior permission must be obtained from the 
Committee for individual /group coaching subject to 
Rule 10.
12. Friends of any member may be introduced as 
visitors to the Club upon payment of a daily fee 
(Currently £1 per half hour) as set by the Committee. The 
introducing member shall be responsible for signing 
in their visitor on either the website or booker app and making the payment on line. However, no member shall 
introduce as a visitor any person, whether local or 
not, more than three times a year.
13. Playing members shall identify themselves to any 
other member upon request.
14. Floodlights – Members are responsible for 
ensuring that floodlights are switched off after use.
15. Junior Members
a) Playing times for Junior Members (persons under 
18 years of age as at 1st January) are generally 
limited to Monday – Friday up to 6.45 p.m. and 
Saturday -mornings. Juniors may play at any other 
time provided the courts are not in use and at those 
times must give way to senior members on their 
b) However, juniors playing with an adult member are 
subject to Rule 9.
Juniors are not permitted to use floodlights unless an 
adult member is present.
Juniors under the age of 12 must be accompanied by 
an adult at all times.
Student Membership shall be available to persons 
between 18 and 25 years of age as at 1st January 
AND in full-time education and shall entitle such 
student member to the full rights associated with 
adult membership.
16.Complaints should be made in writing to the 
Chairperson who shall decide who should investigate 
the complaint. This should be someone who has not 
been involved in the circumstances giving rise to the
complaint and who is able to be objective. The 
Chairperson and the person investigating the 
complaint shall use reasonable endeavours to deal 
with the complaint within eight weeks of its receipt by 
the Chairperson. Notification of any decision will be 
provided in writing within 14 days of the decision
being made