Health Safety

Baslow Tennis Club, as part of the Baslow Sports Field CIO (BSF) operates under the Baslow Sports Field Health and Safety Policy.

This policy can be obtained from Baslow Sports Field, a link to which is provided here. For the avoidance of any doubt the official and latest policy should be obtained from Baslow Sports Field.

There is a defibrillator provided by Baslow Sports Field situated on the external wall (wall facing the football and cricket pitch) of the Sports Pavilion. In the event of an emergency and it is considered the defibrillator is required then when telephoning the emergency services on 999 you must provide them with the post code of the Sports Field which can be found on the front of the defibrillator box. The emergency services will then provide you with a code to unlock the device. Please remember to inform any committee member of the Tennis Club or of Baslow Sports Field CIO when finished with the defibrillator in order that they may ensure its continued availability.