
Founder member Alan Lumb hangs up his tennis shoes after 42 years

This month Alan Lumb, a founder member of the Club 42 years ago has sadly had to hang up his tennis shoes on health grounds. He has been a regular player of the Monday afternoon 'Old Boys' group, for many years.

He and his daughter, Victoria came along to the Club to thank his old mates and celebrate his retirement. Victoria presented us with a lovely Thank You note on behalf of the family....

"Dear David and all the Monday tennis group, 

On behalf of Alan, we wanted to say a HUGE thank you for all the help and support that you have given him. You have enabled him to keep playing tennis for much longer than he would otherwise have been able and he loved his tennis.

We do understand it won't always have been easy or convenient for you but we have much appreciated all of your generosity and kindness.

With our most grateful thanks for all you have done for Alan and for us as a family.

Alan, Helen and Victoria Lumb."

Twelve of us had a drink together on the patio (2 socially distanced tables of 6). Featured in the photo (R to L) are Brian Burley (89) Ian Chatterton (88) Victoria (non-member), Alan Lumb (78) and David Burton (65). It's great for us all to think that we could be playing into our 70's, 80's and beyond ! Proof that age is no barrier to our enjoyment of the game.