Online court booking


 Croydon Park

 Biggin Woods


 £5.00 per hour


As a non-profit charitable social enterprise, BETTER have introduced a low cost and easy to use 'Pay and Play' booking system for Biggin Woods.

Play for as little as £5.00 per hour at Peak and Off-Peak times. That's just £2.50 per person for a singles match, or as little as £1.25 per person for a game of doubles! 

We're also pleased to introduce our Free Court Hire programme, providing free tennis slots for local people to use and enjoy. Look out for our £0.00 court hire times on the Book a Court section. Our free tennis slots are available at Biggin Woods every Tuesday and Thursday from 2pm - 4pm and Sundays from 9am - 11am. 

Free Park Tennis (Launching in Spring 2024)

Free, social tennis sessions, every weekend, coming to Croydon's parks in Spring 2024.

Free Park Tennis  welcomes all members of the local community to come and play for free in a family orientated environment. Whether you are starting out on your tennis journey or looking for new opportunities, there is something fun for everyone.

No partner? No problem. Free Park Tennis gives you the chance to meet new people, enjoy free exercise with a full-body workout and practice your skills, all in just a one-hour session every weekend at 10:00.