
Lower Station Road, Billingshurst,

West Sussex RH14 9SU


Phone: 07881 340 153

Coaching enquiries: Optimal Performance Tennis, Olly Pepper 07928 462334,,

Welfare Officer: Richard Cordy (Acting)

Where to find us


There is no parking on site at the tennis club.  There are however a number of places to park in close proximity to the club.

  • Lower Station Road, within restricted times
  • Daux Avenue, within restricted times
  • Daux Road, charges between 9am and 6pm in pay and display bays at 45p per half hour
  • Station Road, within restricted times
  • Myrtle Lane Car Park, charges between 9am and 6pm £3.90 all day, 7 mins from BLTC
  • Billingshurst Station, daily charge £7.20, 9 mins from BLTC
  • Billingshurst Leisure Centre, 3 hours free

On weekends, bank holidays and after 6pm on weekdays you may park in No. 1 Gillmans Trading Estate, Natts Lane.  Please download & display this notice in your car.

Street parking is available after 6pm. Please refer to local signage. When using street parking, please be respectful of the residents driveways and any disabled parking bays.


We want your feedback - please download a feedback form here or 
pick one up in the Clubhouse. Thanks!!

Billingshurst Lawn Tennis Club
Recreation Ground, Lower Station Road BILLINGSHURST Sussex RH14 9SU