Centenary Event on 8 June 2024 - What a Day that was!
The centenary event planning and works behind the scenes, had been going on for months by the Centenary Celebrations sub-committee. The team of Diana, Belinda, Karen, Sandra and Chloe worked up a fun schedule of activities to help entertain us all throughout the day.
On the day, there was much activity by the sub-committee and other members and family helpers to make sure everything went smoothly, with work setting up starting at 7am. This ensured that by 2.45pm when people started to arrive, the facilities were dressed ready for the event - for their part members and other guests turned up dressed in 1920’s tennis gear or 1920’s outfits ready for the celebrations.
Over 100 people attended, including members of the Club’s founding families of Rope, Basey-Fisher and Lincoln, members past and present, Norfolk LTA President James Buddell, Norfolk’s LTA Councillor Heather Bottomley and members of other local Clubs. Those playing in the fun tournament, organised by Dawn Stocker, registered and selected their wooden racquets/rackets to play with and headed for the courts.
The weather often plays a crucial role in tournament proceedings and with a heavy rain shower at midday, some questioned whether we would be able to use the grass courts. With no plan B, the tournament organiser had faith in the court maintenance contractor and with a quick sweep of the courts with a dew stick and a late court inspection, they were ready for play by 3pm. The tournament attracted 17 players aged between 15 years and 84 years, reflecting the inclusive ethos of the Club. Eventual joint winners after 4 rounds were Corrin Tulk (Acle Tennis Club) and Sonia Miller (East Anglia Tennis & Squash Club) for the ladies with Mark Risley (Blofield Tennis Club) and Anton Stryzhenko (Blofield Tennis Club) ending up joint winners for the men – fortunately the treasurer managed to pull two more prizes out of his hat.
In the meantime there was croquet to play and various free stalls for everyone to enjoy, including Splat the Rat, Bowling for the Pig and jar pong. After the tournament it was a couple of fiercely fought ends of tug of war.
The afternoon proved to be predominantly warm and dry with sunshine at times – someone was looking down kindly on us! The marquee on court 3 provided some great shade for guests to sit and enjoy the tennis and other activities.
Following the tournament the high tea was served in a decorated Margaret Harker Hall and everyone filed in to hear Izzy Waller, the daughter of life member Liz Waller and Philip Waller, sing a few numbers before, during and after the high tea.
The high tea was magnificent and presented so artistically, using bone china crockery, 3 tier cake and sandwich stands and it was thoroughly enjoyed by all. A tennis themed table top quiz and a Centenary booklet, produced by Chloe Veale after researching the Club’s 100 year history from minutes, photos, recollections of members past and present, helped create a buzz in the hall throughout the afternoon.
Chloe had also put together, with the help of members and further research, a display of tennis memorabilia for participants to enjoy and evoked many fond memories.
As if that wasn’t enough, the focus then turned to messages from celebrities including Sir Cliff Richard and Amanda Brown. The musical trio of Diana, Ros (not Diana Ross)and Karen sang a humorous, but tuneful, Blofield Tennis Club themed version of “Congratulations”.
Glasses of bubbly were served, for everyone to toast the past, present and future of the Club and the celebration cake was ceremonially cut by representatives of the three founding families.
Then came the chance for everyone to get involved, with dancing lessons from Karen and Dawn in Charleston, Waltz, Jive, Rock shuffle, twist and even the Timewalk. Izzy Waller provided further songs in a very professional way including a cover of an Ed Sheeran’s song ‘Bad Habits’.
The evening closed around 8pm with everyone, then clearing up to leave the MHH as found earlier in the day. By 10.30pm it had been a very long day for some and all the efforts of the above committee members and helpers are gratefully appreciated.
A huge Thank You to everyone involved in making this day so successful and to the members who supported and enjoyed the event.
Official photographer photos to follow, but here is a flavour of the event from some of the pictures taken by individuals so far:
Keep checking the this website page for further photos in due course
New book published 8th June 2024
Blofield Tennis Club Centenary:
Our Story So Far 1924-2024
Buy your copy now!
Price: £5.00
An attractive souvenir publication to mark the Club’s special heritage year, providing an illustrated history of its foundation, development and activities, told against a backdrop of a century of significant social change.
A5 format, 32 pages with 46 illustrations
ISBN 978-0-9570689-8-8
To purchase your copy you will find them on sale at S & S Mitchell's Newsagents, the Street, Blofield, or it can be ordered by contacting Blofield Tennis Club at : Blofieldtennisclub@btinternet.com
Please note that postage and packing costs may apply for non-local deliveries.
All proceeds will benefit Blofield Tennis Club
Centenary Committee Members:
- Karen karen.isbill@gmail.com
- Diana degilder@yahoo.co.uk
- Belinda belindajhemsley@gmail.com
- Sandra sandra.j.atkins@outlook.com
Copy of original poster for the Centenary Event:
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