Helping Out at Blofield Tennis Club

Blofield Tennis Club (BTC) is not for profit making and exists to provide facilities for playing tennis for its members and visitors. It is managed by a team of volunteers on the management committee which deals with the club's administration, finance and grounds maintenance.

There are many activities that need support, including running our Annual Open Day in early May each year, Fundraising and helping with the cleaning and maintenance of the club. The management committee also keep the club policies up to date and co-ordinate many of the above activities, with the help of our valued volunteers. 

Everyone can help to help promote the Club by encouraging friends and family to play at the club as guests, become members and support some of our fund raising events.  There is a lot of work that goes on behind the scenes which helps the club remain successful and you may be able to help with this aspect?  Good links with schools and the local community help retain and encourage junior and adult members to join/re-join the club each year - you may have the opportunity to grow our club links through your existing contacts. You may just want to grab a paintbrush and help out when the need arises - whatever you can offer, will be warmly recieved!

We are always looking for new committee members and/or volunteers prepared to help with specific events. You may have a particular skill that could be of benefit to the club such as IT /social Media experience, Administration, Fundraising, Legal work, Electrician, Plumber, Gardener, Signmaker or Building maintenance. If so, we would love to hear from you and include you on a list of club volunteers who can be called on to help out regularly or when needed.

For more information about volunteering please contact us by clicking here.