Active | Friendly | Fun Bognor Lawn Tennis Club

Welcome to Bognor Lawn Tennis Club

This Club, more than 100 years old, has a reputation for its friendly and welcoming atmosphere. It is run entirely by volunteers. Players of all standards are able to find games to suit their ability.

There are five well-maintained macadam courts, all of which are floodlit.

Most popular are the Club sessions, based on doubles, where all players have the opportunity to play one another. Find out more

For the more competitive members, there are two Men’s teams and one Ladies’ team competing in the Sussex Leagues, and one Mixed team competing in the portsmouth & district league. Find out more

Men, Ladies and Juniors have dedicated practice nights.

There is an annual Club Tournament with Men’s and Ladies’ singles, doubles, Veterans’ and Junior categories. Finals Day  is a lively social occasion. Find out more

All new adult annual members paying in full are entitled to opt in for free group coaching sessions and pay a reduced fee for their first year. See Membership page  

The Clubhouse is a focus for social activities. Find out more

The Club has a Croquet section with two full-sized lawns.  Find out more

The Club is fully  registered as a CASC (Community Amateur Sports Club).

If you are already a tennis player and you are considering joining, you are welcome to come and try one of the Club sessions free of charge before committing. Find out more

Click here to see our new 2024/2025 brochure

Latest news

The poster and sign-up sheet for our fun quiz on March 22nd are now up in the clubhouse.

The BLTC Annual dinner at Bognor Golf Club was a resounding success!

Grey skies and cold air but a very enjoyable Winter Warmer fun tournament

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How to find us

Bognor Lawn Tennis Club
Nyewood Lane
PO21 2TY

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Our Partners

Bognor Regis Football Club
We are a CASC club
Arun District Indoor Bowling Club