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Alex Takes Home 2024 Rose Bowl Tournament

Alex Peyton beat 13 other players to win the 2024 Rose Bowl trophy in yesterday's annual mixed doubles competition.   Richard Hardy presented Alex with his well deserved trophy after a fun and hard fought morning's tennis at the Bourton -on-the-Water club. 

For a change, the sun came out and conditions were perfect both on and off court where players and spectators could sit and chat in the warm sunshine and enjoy delicious refreshments while waiting for their turn to play.

A fun social competition, the Rose Bowl is  played with a handicap system designed to encourage players of all standards to join in and stand a chance of winning the trophy.  Pairs are drawn on the morning and play four games with their partner and four against in each round and there are penalties awarded to the opposition for each consecutive game won - a bit confusing to start with but great fun and a really great morning of social tennis.

Thanks to Alex for organising this year's tournament - not easy with so many competitors - and to everyone for turning out and playing, supporting or bringing refreshments.

Another great day out at Bourton Tennis Club.