
Bourton Vale Lawn Tennis Club prioritises the well-being of all children and adults and promotes safeguarding in our club at all times. It has procedures and policies in place to deal with issues such as bullying, discrimination or abuse.

Click here for our full Safeguarding Policy or download a Reporting a Concern Form.

Suzanne van Heyningen is the club's Welfare Officer.  If you would like to bring a problem to the club’s attention or if anything or anyone at the club is making you feel unhappy or unsafe in any way, Suzanne would be happy to talk things over and take whatever steps necessary to resolve the issue.  You can talk to Suzanne in confidence on 07909 110004.

Suzanne has attended LTA safeguarding training and has current DBS certification.​

Bourton Vale Lawn Tennis Club aims to ensure all members and visitors are treated fairly and with respect without discrimination.  Click the link to read our full Equality and Diversity Policy.

​You can also download our Changing Room Policy and Whistleblowing Policy.

​We are very careful to protect our members' personal data. Your information will not be shared, sold or disclosed to third parties without your written consent. We will only contact you to provide information about BVLTC or general tennis activities or in response to direct queries. If at any time you would like to check what information we hold or if you would like us to remove it please e-mail or call a committee member on the numbers posted on the clubhouse. Click here to read our GDPR Policy.