Rules of Pickleball

Pickleball rules may at first seem a little complicated but if you have ever played Badminton then you will immediately understand them!
- Played as a 2 or 4 player game, it is mostly enjoyed as a 4 player game in teams of 2 (Doubles).
- Scoring is up to 11 and you can only score when your team is serving. Games may be played to 15 or 21.
- Both players in each team serve in turn before serve passes to the other team.
- The ball MUST bounce on serving AND the return of serve.
- DONT volley whilst stood in the Kitchen (The non-volley zone by the net!)
To help you get started, the Basic Pickleball Rules can de downloaded HERE
LTA - 2 minute read on rules can be found HERE
For the intrepid - the full USA Pickleball Rulebook can be found HERE